Monday, December 2, 2013

Most Important Line from Chapter: Love

At this point, I am half way through my independent reading book, Incantation. In the chapter named Love, the most important line is, "All you had to do is imagine you life without that person, and if the thought alone made you shiver, then you knew." What this quote is basically saying is that, if you really love someone then, the thought of them not being with you should bring you fears. This quote correlates with this part of the book and the whole summary of the book as well. Estrella is deeply in love with Catalina's cousin, Andres.

Catalina and Estrella have been best friends since they were very young. They have never really kept any secrets from each other and they have never lied to each other either. So, Catalina told Estrella that her parents want her to marry her cousin, Andres, one day. Estrella is okay with this idea at first but, when she really thinks and gets to know Andres better, she develops feelings and emotions for him. It really stuck Estrella that she cannot live without Andres when he said, "Don't worry. I know who you are in your heart. And that's all that matters."


  1. This book seems like it is very interesting and would be fun to read. I like how your quotes really support the theme and mood displayed throughout the post. You did a very good job explaining the book so far, and using the quotes in the right way.

  2. I like how you used a direct quote from the novel to support your theme of the story. Good job at already figuring out the theme during the middle of the story! You also did a very good job at explaining what is happening in your novel at the moment. Good job:)!

  3. From your description of the book, it seems very entertaining. I like how you used a quote from the chapter to show the importance of love and how important it is in the book.
