Tuesday, February 18, 2014

2nd Trimester Blog Reflection

One thing that I have learned this trimester is that I can be a great writer I really try. I learned a lot about myself and me as a writer. I have definitely grown as a more analytical writer this trimester thanks to the weekly blog posts.

One thing that definitely helped me to find some of the books that I read during this trimester is Goodreads. This site was a great help for me to look at some of the books that other people find interesting and their thoughts and ratings of the book. When I had some free time, I would go on Goodreads and look at some of the books that people rated as a 4 or a 5. And these are some of the books that I had enjoyed most throughout the trimester.

Some strengths that I had with blogging include summarizing, reviewing, and evaluating a given text. I was able to read a certain text and come up with my own summary of the text. I was also able pick out some important lines or pieces of text from a book and talk about it and also talk about how that line or piece of text relates back to the book as a whole. From one of my blog posts called Most Important Line from Chapter: Love. I created this blog post when I was reading the book Incantation by Alice Hoffman. I was able to pick out a line from one chapter and relate back to the chapter as a whole and the book as a whole as well.

One thing that I struggled with through this experience is being able to connect the text to anything else. I found it difficult to make connections with the text. I was able to make the connections while I was reading but I found it difficult to put my connections into words. I overcame or worked through this struggle by jotting down notes when I made a connection with the text. I would later use these notes to create a well-rounded blog post.

            The quality of my writing has definitely improved over the course of the trimester. My first blog post was the summer reading assignment blog post. I had the read the book Have a Nice Day by Julie Halpern. In this blog post, I mostly just summarize the book and I don’t take a closer look at the smaller details in the book. Towards the end of the trimester, I posted a post called Maximum Ride-School’s Out Forever Book Review. In this post, I talk about the summary of the book, the type of audience for this book, what I would rate the book and the writing styles that the author used when writing the book. I feel like I have definitely provided more information of the book and my thoughts about the book as well compared to the blog post at the beginning of the trimester.

            I really enjoyed blogging and independently reading this trimester. This opportunity allowed me to read a lot more than I would have without having to do the blog posts. I am definitely looking forward to reading a lot more and blogging next trimester for the English 1B class.

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